Pale Monsters - Are You Feeling Alive?
This is spring cleaning for dislocated souls..

Kelly Davidson photograph
Pale Monsters find vitality and execute with pop grace on their fun new album. The release of which unfolds on Saturday. Pale Monsters are Kevin McGrath (Diamond Mines), Travis Richter (Kingsley Flood, The Motion Sick), Chris Mulvey (Muy Cansado), and Mike Ward (Let's Wait.)
The Band leaked the lead single themselves last year. The album is uncorked tomorrow.
Mass is energy and energy has particles. No matter how you break down the description, Pal Monsters - the brainchild of Boston creator Chris Mulvey, what you're left with is creative brushstrokes of emotion and sound. All This Time We Wait, the celebratory lead single from Are You Feeling Alive? is a throwback joyride and has celebrated as one of the top New England singles in 2017.
Through three albums over much of the past decade, Mulvey led Muy Cansado. When starting Pale Monsters, he enlisted longtime friends and Boston music veterans, Kevin McGrath (Diamond Mines), Mike Ward (Let's Wait) and Travis Richter (Kingsley Flood, The Motion Sick), each bringing their own unique perspective and experience to the project.
The full album will be released Sat, March 10th at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge. Looking forward to having this one unfold live.
"I love the connection when you perform to a room full of people, but the songwriting is what's kept me in this for the long haul," says Mulvey. "I love the creative process."
Editor's Note: The band have a couple of really cool conversation starter sub-pages on their website which I highly recommend you checking out.
"Hey Pale Monsters, how did you come up with that odd band name? And what does it mean?"
"Pale Monsters - You guys sound a little like a lot other bands but no one I can put a finger on."
"Hey Pale Monsters, how did you come up with that odd band name? And what does it mean?"
"Pale Monsters - You guys sound a little like a lot other bands but no one I can put a finger on."