Movie Trailers: James Bond - SKYFALL
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Wait, this just in!
Wait, this just in!

WORTH WAITING FOR - In 155 days (but who's counting, really?) the most brutal and dark telling in the James Bond compendium (23 films in all) will be released. SKYFALL starring Daniel Craig, easily the best Bond since Connery. This time through, audiences will likely find a very different story - Skyfall was directed by the stylistically different Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Road to Perdition, Jarhead). Craig, who again - has owned the rebooted series in the last two films really seems to have taken his performance to the next level in the following clip. Seems evident he's being evaluated psychologically to determine if he's fit for duty... for a job that appears to be killing his peers.
Skyfall, in theatres November 7th, costars Ralph Fiennes, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Albert Finney, and it marks the debut of Bond girl Bérénice Marlohe (photo.) Cannot Wait.

IT'S RSL's 007 MIX:
