Sarah Blacker

New Music this Week!
Someone You Should Know

LISTENING BOOTH - Sarah Blacker is a very pretty woman but the real beauty evident here immediately are the notes of these songs. Blacker's new album, Come What May is released this week and it's meeting the right ears. For Boston folks reading this, her sure-to-sell-out CD release is this Friday night at Club Passim in Cambridge (Harvard Square T Stop). As I type this, I just confirmed there are only 7 tickets left. Here's what all the fuss is about:

It Sounds Strange But it's True. Music plays a much more profound role for Blacker than with other singers. I wouldn't have believed this until the depth of her devotion to music Blacker appeared on Fox25 here in Boston this week, a rare but well deserved chance to be seen by thousands. But instead of playing music, Blacker talked about her profession instead: A music therapist, she works with autistic, disabled and challenged children in an attempt to reach them through music. She is seeing real advances with her work. VIDEO. A more compassionate soul devoted to music you may never see. I can't help but wonder is Blacker is capable of helping us all through her music? Definitely One to Watch in 2011, this is Sarah Blacker.

CD Release Show:
Club Passim
47 Palmer St
Cambridge, MA
7pm $15/13
All ages. opener:
Suzie Brown (Philadelphia)

Sarah Blacker
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