Conan O'Brien returns
The new Movie Trailer

So I haven't made it out to the movies in a while (there hasn't been too much I couldn't wait to see), but if you have - there's a chance you might have seen this clip. Conan O'Brien is back! This is his expensive, big-league movie trailer celebrating his return to television (now on TBS) that's airing before feature films this week. The over-the-top humor is classic Conan and so are the prop usage. The bottom line, as always, is expect the unexpected.
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Hipsters and the Wild Rumpus
Totally Geeking Out
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Bob Dylan sells you Pepsi
Tic Tac Micha!
The Ettes soooo Just Wanna Rock!
(We are Living in) Exponential Times
Super Slo-Mo & Daft Punk
The Power to Change
The Pish Dolls / Ace of Spades
Sunday Afternoon
Psycho Killer
Running in Boston
God is a DJ