Final hrs to help Aloud rock America
The new Aloud - One of New England's best contemporary bands has somehow managed to get much better over the last year. Songwriting, honest emotional surrender and compelling strong structure are keys to the new songs on Exile - the album set to be released in September. At the center of the mess are longtime musical compatriots Jen de la Osa and Henry Beguiristain - the core of the band, who recently wed. In between all those plans were the recordings and preparations for the album. It's hard to believe there are many musicians who know each other better at this point than these two - and in the music, it shows.
Aloud at Church of Boston - July 1

Supporting Exile - I'm always pleased to hear of new ways that quality musicians reach their audiences. Aloud are looking for advanced sales to power the CD release and help them on their national tour. These backers would support the album sight-unseen with videos and mp3s revealed in the days ahead. Details of the tour should be available soon. We will share them, along with more material, when we are able.

Exile advance - In the meantime, please consider supporting the band with an one-time advance purchase. The vast majority of the album and tour costs are coming out of pocket. Aloud's advance target is $5K and they are only a few dollars away - and must make it by Monday at midnight for their tour to be funded. There are only 30 hours left as I write this.