Leonard Mynx Spotlight

One to Watch in 2010

New Music from Leonard Mynx
New Album titled Le Petit Mort

ONE TO WATCH IN 2010 - Portland's Leonard Mynx is one of those artistic souls whose music I find myself listening to much more than even I realize. His first album Vesper (which the artist is now giving away for free) is in the car. His new demos are playing on the media player as I type these words... And, it's playing in my head. A lot. I am very much hoping that 2010 and - for the near future we begin looking a little more closely about the art and music we digest. Leonard Mynx is making really authentic, in-touch music.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: "Over the last several months I have recorded about 25 tracks with my good friend Adam Selzer (M Ward, Norfolk and Western) at Type Foundry studio here in Portland. Lots of great and talented Portland musicians helped out whose other projects include, but are not limited to, Norfolk and Western, The Decemberists, M Ward, Horsefeathers, Loch Lomond, Audie Darling, Laura Gibson, Jolie Holland and many more. The record is called "Le Petit Mort," - Leonard Mynx.

Leonard Mynx
Web / Myspace


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