Doves - Kingdom of Rust
The other day I came across a published review of the Doves new album. It was odd to see Kingdom of Rust appear in Rolling Stone magazine of all places. (As an astute and informed music buyer, many of you might think it quite surprising that I was looking inside a Rolling Stone in the first place...) What was more surprising, actually, was the fact that RS even bothered enough to write even a short piece about Doves, a band from the UK that hardly cause a ripple over here. It became clear that the review was just an opportunity for the writer who clearly had an axe to grind, to lash out at a convenient target...
The review of the album contained the following byline..; “UK trio create epic tunes about (what else?) boring UK.” (Bottom line: It's a journalist's cheap shot on a great Doves album just to make a sweeping generalization about today's British music scene.) Here's what we have to say:
The review of the album contained the following byline..; “UK trio create epic tunes about (what else?) boring UK.” (Bottom line: It's a journalist's cheap shot on a great Doves album just to make a sweeping generalization about today's British music scene.) Here's what we have to say:

About the Music: I have to work hard not to be swept away by Kingdom of Rust. Generally speaking, Doves make me melancholy. Their ability to cause this sensation cannot be understated. Their music is moving, but I must confess there is something more particular about my sadness in this case. Doves are from my long-lost hometown of Manchester (UK!), so I’m not claiming journalistic objectivity this time around, but then again, I don’t think I’m completely off the mark when I say that “Kingdom of Rust” is a really warm, engaging album. Doves’ bass driven song construction, mixed with Jimi Goodwin's vocals, create tracks that are much less elaborate then their hometown counterparts Elbow (RSL Best of 2008), but remain capable of being similarly ‘epic.'
We Like This New One

SONG TO WRITE HOME ABOUT: There are several good songs from this record, but we will choose just one. “10.03” is an achievement - a track the band should be really proud of. This one builds to a frenzy you might not expect from this band. We like “Compulsion” too - a song that proves Doves have some swagger in them too, along with all the poetry. That's the kind of combination that makes Kingdom of Rust a winner!
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Doves - 10.03
Highly Recommended!
Highly Recommended!
Doves are definitely a band worth checking out, if you can stomach all the ‘boring UK’ associations you are bound to make by listening to this album repeatedly.
Ed.'s Note: Our Nick Parker is a British transplant living with his family here in Boston. Please read some English inflection and a measure of dry wit into his written voice.