SUPER COVERS - The Flaming Lips

Nobody Takes Music More Seriously
And Has More Fun Doing It

The Flaming Lips

The Lips Do The Rolling Stones:
The Flaming Lips - Moonlight Mile

The Lips Do The White Stripes:
The Flaming Lips - Seven Nation Army

The Lips Do Radiohead
The Flaming Lips - Knives Out



Anonymous said…
Is there a band that has more fun with making music and being creative in general than the Flaming Lips. They are always doing something and having a ball. I got to talk to Wayne Coyne after a radio show they did at the Paradise Lounge during the Pink Robots tour. They had fun, even with this promotional side jaunt pre show... I was green with envy, on a lot of levels.
wes said…
Hadn't heard the Neil Young cover, good stuff. Thanks for the post!
Unknown said…
Is there any way to get this audio of moonlight mile. I worked for the lips a super long time ago and thy did that as an encore, breathtaking

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