New, Winning Material from Id Guinness

We head west this morning to Vancouver. We stop in with the very talented singer-songwriter Id Guinness, who gave us Cure for the Common Crush (RSL Top 40 Artist Selection 2007 and Underground Album of the Year.) The man has cooked up some incredible new material to share with his fans and a business offer that you just can't refuse.....

Talented and Totally Original:

Id Guinness

Guinness just released ten songs on Crush d, a digital-only album release. This one serves as a bridge from the artist's praise-worthy debut last year. (Not only are the these two releases connected in title, the songs on Crush d are credited as remixes and rarities from the creative period that led up to and immediately followed its predecessor.) Readers should realize that while the material on the digital-only Crush d is a connection to the near past, it is also an extension into the immediate future - towards a record of completely new material on Soul Envy, Guinness' forthcoming full-length record release set for a Summer 2009.

Here's where the unique business offer comes in: Guinness is offering 2 records for the price of one. For $9.99 you can buy the digital download of Crush d and receive (pre-order) a copy of 2009's Soul Envy. What a brilliant plan for both the artist and listeners! Let me tell you people, this is a safe bet! Also available on the artist's page; purchase last year's amazing debut (Cure for the Common Crush for $9.99) - all highly recommended!

Nearly Lost My Mind
New song from 2008's
Crush d

Rising River
from 2007's
Cure for the Common Crush


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