Boston Love: Ryan Lee Crosby's impressive album
The title of Ryan Lee Crosby's latest CD claims "There is No Music." It's hard to determine if he is claiming the songs are the results of hard knocks and stressful times - anything other than the process of crafting fine art. This might be true but there is no refuting the fact that the songs on the new record are soulful, talented affairs! Ryan Lee Crosby and the Mindless are successful throughout - and that's just the beginning.
Looking through a collection of newspaper clippings and online media posts about Ryan Lee Crosby, it's tough to remember the man is in his twenties. (Maybe it's his old soul?) The type of reviews he has had written about him (Globe, Herald, Phoenix, Dig, Metro) - and who has been assigned to his story (at times, senior staffers) is impressive. Crosby has had little trouble getting himself taken seriously. And perhaps that's where his songs and the music does come into play. Crosby and his band present tales of love and loss, regret, scorn and descent - themes you might find in any ordinary pop song - but in a most ethereal, transforming way. All it takes is just one listen to see what I mean!
The greatest compliment one can pay an artist about their material is that the music is worthy of repeat listening. After that, one can make the further comment on whether it all holds up with time. Ryan Lee Crosby and the Mindless strike a very strong chord of the modern soul with the "There is No Music" disc. It comes to you highly recommended.
Ryan's Smashing Life Presents...
Ryan Lee Crosby at the

Inman Square - Cambridge
1353 Cambridge Street
Ryan Lee Crosby at the

Inman Square - Cambridge
1353 Cambridge Street
Ryan's Smashing Life presents: Ryan Lee Crosby show tomorrow! - I listened to some of this music when I worked with Dovecote Records to setup tomorrow's show at the Lilypad (Inman Square in Cambridge) with John Brazile and headliner Tim Williams. As it turns out - we made a wise choice. The show starts at 7pm and costs just $5. Considering the line-up, it's an absolute steal!