BLOG RADIO 20 - The Pursuit of Good Things

Beautiful Monsters &
Arrangements of Flowers

What is Blog Radio? This collection celebrates my musical tastes, gives me a chance to dust off some old classics and slip in some new artists who might otherwise not get some exposure. A new installment is released once each week to ten days. Today's post is a celebration of anniversaries, memories and special dates. It also happens to be my birthday. Enjoy!

BLOG RADIO Volume 20

Waking and Dream - The Black and White Years
Walk in the Park - Oh No! Oh My!

Baby Bring Bad News - The 22-20's
Shiny Toy Guns - Le Disko

Birthday - The Beatles
Special - Marcy Playground

Wasting My Time - The Revival Preachers
Outlaw Heart - Tiger Army

No More Birthdays (the Phil Spector folk mix by Bill Baird) - Sound Team
Today is the Day - Apollo Sunshine

Have a great day

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evan said…
you're kinda taking a big risk posting the fab four, ain'tcha?
Anonymous said…
I stumbled upon your music blog. And I have a suggestion. One of the best bands I have ever heard in my life deserves ears. They took down a couple of their best songs but I hope you enjoy it:

Should distract you from your life in corporate America.

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