Honesty Policy: Listening to The Bravery

Boston was supposed to be the site of a secret Bravery show tonight. Well, now you know about it and it's not such a big secret any more. WFNX sponsors the gig over at TT the Bear's in Central Square, Cambridge. Get there early. It will most certainly sell out. What else do you have to do on a Monday night?

"An Honest Mistake"- live performance at the NME Music Awards show.

"Fearless"- the extremely cool video.

I have been a Bravery fan for little more than a year now. I was up late one night and was flipping channels and landed on Letterman. It had been no more than two minutes when the Bravery took the stage. They played a tremendous version of "An Honest Mistake." The organ and guitar were remarkable. Who are these guys? What a cool retro sound!

The band's self-titled album is pretty incredible. I recommend it. Here are two tracks - my top selections from the album.

The Ring Song


If you are in Boston tonight, find yourself at the show.

Tickets, Directions, Etc..: http://www.ttthebears.com/

Check it out:

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March2theSea said…
also playing the very small "century lounge" in providence on Tues. Tickets are on sale now.
Anonymous said…
Damn, Ryan, you need to do some basic reporting and give some dates.... or I just need shut the f- up and subscribe to the RSL weblog.

I think Honest Mistake is the best ... can I jump on my roof and scream that WRAP Muzack is dead! The song sounds like a combo of Duran Duran and a Flock of Seagulls and I mean that as a compliment (for you gansta rap and Britanny Spears fans out there.)

Now that Brittany has switched over to porno and most of the wrappers are dead or in jail it time for some rightous music. Happy Days are here.

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