Interview with Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs // mp3s
Jen Cray - an amazing photographer from Florida whose work I admire has posted a cool interview on the INK 19 page with talented Boston indie rock guitarist Nick Zinner from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs! Please stop by and give it a read HERE: Nick Zinner interview on INK 19
Guitar Hero - An interview with Nick Zinner is a treat.
photo credit: Cynthia P
Nick Zinner and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs played a free show at Boston's City Hall Plaza in August. Read all about it - Boston YYY show coverage on the RSL blog
Nick Zinner's latest project:
Nick has remixed the song "People are Germs" by Single Frame.
Here's the video (look for Nick!)
BONUS MATERIAL - mp3s: YYYs live tracks
Melbourne, Australia
A: Dudley (live) (EzArchive)
B: Dudley (live) (MediaMax)
A: Maps (live) (EzArchive)
B: Maps (live) (MediaMax)
A: Warrior (live) (EzArchive)
B: Warrior (live) (MediaMax)
A: Date With A Night (live) (EzArchive)
B: Date With A Night (live) (MediaMax)